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Rhode Island Democrats champion progressive values and ideas for all. We fight for families, better education, gender equality, affordable health care, and an economy that works for everyone, not just a few. We’re organizing and building across the state to move Rhode Island forward.
It’s going to take all of us to get Democrats elected up and down the ballot – from the President to our local School Boards. Check out these different opportunities:
Email info@ridemocrats.org to join us.
As Democrats, we prioritize meeting people where they are. We make hundreds of thousands of phone calls every election cycle to help voters stay informed.
Rhode Island has a vibrant and diverse LGBTQ+ community, and as Democrats, it is our priority to protect our LGBTQ+ Rhode Islanders against homophobia and transphobia. Email Chair of the LGBTQ+ Caucus, Anthony DeRose, at afderose79@gmail.com to get involved.
The Women’s Caucus strives to inspire, support, and create community for individuals who identify as and with women to participate in all levels of government. Email RIDWomensCaucus@gmail.com to get involved.
Click below to check the legislative calendar and deadlines, view bills, and help push forward legislation that benefits working families in Rhode Island.