Getting ready to run for office?
Here are the first ten steps. We at RIDP are ready and eager to help you get on the ballot and running for office!
- Purchase your web domain in a version format that is timeless- judyforri.com rather than JudyforSenate.com
- Apply online for an EIN- it is easy and fast and what you need to open a bank account.
- Open a bank account, and an ACT BLUE account
- Review (and follow) all the applicable finance and filing laws for the seat you intend to run for.
- Make your first 50 list- the list of the first 50 people you need to talk to prior to running. Include community icons, influencers, party leaders, community leaders etc.
- Write your personal narrative- a one paragraph description of you and why you are running.
- Write your bio
- Begin searching for a campaign manager/finance helper- these two roles may be the same person depending on your race.
- Plan your district tour- organize at least 5 meetings in the district where you can sit and LISTEN to voters talk about what is important to them in the current election cycle.
- Review the campaign finance filings of the last person who ran for the seat, or the person who holds it now.