Aptent tincidunt lobortis eveniet! Molestie accusamus qui magna, consequatur posuere, sociosqu phasellus, nam sit dis fuga nemo eu, per duis vestibulum eveniet exercitationem assumenda, totam.
Dan Goughnour for PA HD 35 (www.danforstaterep.com)
This special election will determine who controls the PA State House of Representatives.
VIRTUAL PHONE BANK: bit.ly/DanForStateRep
We recommend making calls between 4 – 8 PM on weekdays and 12 – 4 PM on weekends.
Gay Valimont for Congress (www.gayforcongress.com)
This special is due to Matt Gaetz’s resignation.
VIRTUAL PHONE BANK: bit.ly/GayForCongress
Every Tuesday, 6 – 8 PM.
Josh Weil for Congress (www.joshweil.us)
This special is due to Michael Waltz becoming President Trump’s National Security Advisor.
Two-hour shifts are available from 10 AM – 8 PM every day.
Judge Susan Crawford for Wisconsin Supreme Court (www.crawfordforwi.com)
This race will decide the court’s partisan makeup. Judge Crawford’s opponent is being supported by Elon Musk (who has spent $12 million via his super PAC).
VIRTUAL PHONE BANK: https://rb.gy/4yfuxu