Fellow Democrat,
I hope this letter finds you and your family healthy and safe during this difficult time. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the lives of everyone in our state. As someone who has assisted a family member with a chronic illness for the past four years, I can tell you it is “OK” to ask for help. With that in mind, I want to provide you with a list of resources that may be helpful to you.
If you or a loved one is sick, please call your health care provider immediately. For those who do not have a health care provider please contact:
Health Source RI at https://healthsourceri.com or contact
Rhode Island Department of Health COVID-19 Hotline at https://health.ri.gov
PHONE: (401) 222-8022
If you are able to donate blood, please consider contacting the Rhode Island Blood Center at www.ribc.org or (401) 453-8383 to make an appointment.
A special shout-out to all the members of the medical community, our public safety men and women, and the many businesses and employees who’ve have stepped up to deliver the services that provide us with the necessities of life during this incredibly challenging time.
As Chair of the RI House of Representatives Committee on Health, Education and Welfare, I am working with our leadership in the General Assembly and with the Governor and leaders throughout R.I. to make sure more resources are available to all. As Chair of the R.I. Democratic Party, I’m honored to represent all of you and offer this list of resources that might be helpful:
RI Department of Health
COVID-19 Info Line (401) 222-8022
COVID-19 Dedicated Email: RIDOH.COVID19Questions@health.ri.gov
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United Way of RI
Email: www.uwri.org
PHONE: Dial 211
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Seniors and Elderly
RI Office of Healthy Aging / The Point:
PHONE: (401) 462-4444
Displaced Workers
Rhode Island Department of Labor and Training
COVID-19 dedicated email:
PHONE: (401) 462-2020
Small Business Assistance
CommerceRI COVID-19 Website:
US Small Business Administration Loan information
PHONE: (401) 528-4561
I wish you all well, during this challenging time, and look forward to the day when this is behind us. In the meantime, stay safe.
Warmest regards,
Joseph M. McNamara
Rhode Island Democratic Party